Agroland: “Without such a system, I would not be able to run a business as complex as the Agroland group is today”

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Agroland, the largest retailer of agricultural products in Romania, optimized operations following the implementation of a package of integrated solutions from Senior Software. With the help of these flexible and customizable systems, the company maximizes resource efficiency, quickly processes orders without any errors and makes strategic decisions based on accurate data, thus guaranteeing that business goals are reach. The systems used by Agroland are: ERPresource management system, SeniorVisualBIanalysis and reporting software, WMSwarehouse management system, B2Bportal for online business-to-business sales, B2Csales for online business-to-consumer sales.

“With the help of the ERP solution from Senior Software we gained fast access to essential informationg regarding activity in our stores and distribution network. SeniorERP allowed us to monitor in real time what product categories are sold, their inventory and rotation speed and much more.

In the Business Intelligence platform, that is integrated with the ERP system, I track the Agroland group's results every day, analyzing every aspect of our activity in the smallest of details. Through the reports that we built in time, I have access to all the required data on which to base appropriate business decisions. Additionally, SeniorVisualBI helps us in the budgeting process, allowing us to make adjustments each time the situation calls for them.”

Horia Cardos
CEO – Agroland

Benefits obtained by the company with the help of integrated systems:

Quick access to information and strategic decisions based on accurate data

50% increase in customer order processing speed

60% improvement in times dedicated to logistics operations

Efficient monitoring of products with a short shelf life

Analysis of store profitability and profit margin per product

Increasing the number of pallets processed in a short period of time

Improving the efficiency of the entire team through clear work procedures

Full transparency and traceability of commercial transactions

“We’re working with Senior Software in order to have an efficient and profitable business”

Prior to our partnership with Senior Software, Agroland was using a management & accounting software that severely limited the company’s activity. It was generating major delays in accessing critical data regarding operations in stores and their distribution network, affecting their capacity to make quick and well-informed decisions.

The plans to extend their shop network and attract new partners for their franchise were burdened by the lack of an integrated and flexible system, and frequent changes of the fiscal law imposed the need of a solution that can guarantee conformity. More so, an increase in the volume of activities amplified the complexity of administrating clients, orders, inventory and other critical processes.

Following the implementation of a suite of interconnected solutions from Senior Software, Agroland managed to optimize and connect work flows. Thanks to the ERP, WMS, BI, B2C and B2B systems, the management team gained increased control and visibility over the entire process, guaranteeing increased operativity and sustaining the company’s long term development.

Agroland: “Without such a system, I would not be able to run a business as complex as the Agroland group is today”

”Another important segment that we managed to develop with Senior Software solutions was the e-commerce area. I can say that the B2C platform is our largest sales channel and a showcase for our business. Regarding the B2B portal, it generated a significant increase in orders and value per order, because our partners have easy access to our entire product range and can place orders quickly and easily. Moreover, we recorded an improvement of approximately 50% in the speed of order processing.

Obviously, as the business developed and the number of warehouse operations expanded, the need to implement a WMS system also arose. The logistics solution from Senior Software allowed us to increase the number of pallets received and shipped, to track stocks and batches and to have better control over products with a short shelf life period. In addition, we were able to organize more assortments of goods on the same pallet and increase the efficiency of logistics activities by 50-60%.

Horia Cardos, CEO – Agroland

About Agroland

Founded in 1997 in Timisoara, Agroland started as a supplier of livestock products, targeting small farmers. Over the years, the company has expanded its portfolio and become a leader on the Romanian market in the field of stores specialized in gardening, pet care and hobby farming.

The products are sold both through the traditional store network and online, through the virtual store. Starting with 2021, Agroland Business System and Agroland Agribusiness shares are listed on the main market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

EUR turnover

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