“With SeniorERP, today we have a solid company with great development prospects”
Find out what were the benefits gained by the retailer after implementing SeniorERP
The retailer gained more control over the business, saved thousands of lei per month and increased online sales by 20% with the SeniorERP solution from Senior Software.
In just a few months, the company’s managers noticed the undeniable benefits of the ERP system, making them more confident in their plans for expanding the business to other countries.
While looking for the best ERP on the market, the retailer decided to buy SeniorERP after the software was recommended by another company has been using it for some years.
Other changes in the company after automation
The company already owned an ecommerce platform, and while implementing the ERP suite from Senior Software, the shoe retailer also automated its warehouses. Thus, SeniorERP has been integrated with two other software, and communication, data retrieval and updating information are now happening much faster. After automating the business, the team noticed many other changes, such as:

With a turnover of almost 5 million euros, sells women’s shoes, with a retail experience of about 10 years. The business has two warehouses and two physical stores in Bucharest, to which is added the online store, processing a total of about 800 orders per day. The company sells products in Romania and Bulgaria, and will expand its activity in Greece, Hungary, Poland and Italy.
About Senior Software
Senior Software is the only software system provider in Romania with a complete suite of integrated solutions. Founded in 2003, the company has completed over 450 successful implementations and currently has 6 divisions through which it implements intuitive systems such as ERP, BI, SCM, MES, E-commerce and Hardware. Senior Software operates in four locations in Romania (Bucharest, Constanta, Cluj, Iasi) with a team of 160 employees.