Uniprest Instal reduced the budgeting and reporting time by half with CPM from Senior Software
Read the article to find out more about what benefits Uniprest Instal gained following the implementation of the CPM system
Uniprest Instal, an HVAC products distributor, manages revenue and expense budgets and generates detailed reports on several business areas in real time, with Senior Software’s CPM solution. The time spent on these processes was reduced by 50% after the company replaced Excel spreadsheets with performance management software, gaining at the same time a clear image of the entire business and of the necessary action directions.
The distributor of heating installations and equipment in Mures performs out its activities in a much more efficient way and closely follows the budget on each profit center with CPM from Senior Software.
Since replacing Excel files with the new performance management system, Uniprest Instal company reduced by half the budgeting and reporting time procedures.
Currently, the distributor monitors and analyses the performance indicators in real time, creates and validates the revenue and expense budgets without involving too many resources.
In addition to the major time and resources savings, the distributor benefits from better visibility and increased control over the entire business, managing to create a more efficient business plan in a shorter time period.

Due to CPM / EPM system, Uniprest’s team can easily identify customers with a higher sales potential and analyse the performance indicators from supplier relationships.
Furthermore, Uniprest representatives may create interactive dashboards that include KPIs to assess business performance, and thanks to CPM’s broadcasting system these data are automatically transmitted to zonal sales agents and managers.
About Uniprest Instal
Uniprest Instal, a subsidiary of Rensa Group in the Netherlands, is a Targu-Mures-based company founded in 2009. The company’s main activity is nationwide distribution of HVAC (heating, ventilation & air conditioning) products, which it is done through 10 working points. The company has a product portfolio of over 300.000 items and has partnerships with about 120 suppliers. The distributor’s turnover is estimated to 47 million euros.
About Senior Software
Senior Software is the only provider and developer of software systems in Romania with a complete package of integrated solutions. Founded in 2003, the company has completed over 450 successful implementations, using the latest technologies. Senior Software started the business with a single division, and currently has 6 divisions through which it implements intuitive systems such as ERP, BI / CPM, SCM, MES, E-commerce and Hardware. The company operates in four locations in Romania (Bucharest, Constanta, Cluj and Iasi) with a team of 160 employees.